Message form Chairman || The down town school, Guwahati

Message from Chairman

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NN Dutta

Dr. N. N. Dutta

The down town school, Guwahati

Dear Prospective Parents,

I extend to you and your family a very warm welcome to The down town school, Guwahati. Our academic, co-curricular, extra-curricular and community service programmes offered in a state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities, enable students to remain grounded, focused, connected and become caring individuals. Our engaging faculty and supportive administrative staff are committed to providing a safe and nurturing learning environment.

Learning at The down town school initiates a life-long journey of positive transformation through engagement in a wide variety of experience and holistic development. We empower learners to think critically, work independently and provide the best opportunities for self-directed learning.

We hope to produce young people who are happy, resilient, self-motivated, confident and ready for any challenge that lies ahead. We believe in the pursuit of academic excellence and success. Our education is determinedly holistic and values-driven. Our pupils flourish both in and out of the classroom and they develop skills, qualities and values that will lead to a successful life.

We hope you will find DTS to be the right choice for your child’s education and look forward to a fruitful journey with you.

With all good wishes, 

Dr. N. N. Dutta, Chairman,
down town school, Guwahati

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A day boarding school

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