Message form Principal || The down town school, Guwahati

Message from Principal

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Maya Alfred Fernandes

Maya Alfred Fernandes

The down town school, Guwahati

“Education is not the filling of a pail but the ignition of a fire ”

— William Butler Yeats

Welcome aboard,

With a philosophy of invoking a love for learning and not just learning, The down town school is on a mission to ignite the fire within our children to ask, know, express and aim.

Apart from a remarkable infrastructure, the innumerable facilities and opportunities, we at The down town school are determined to offer the highest quality of education to each of our student to make sure we build a nation of leaders, thinkers and doers.

With an Educator student ratio of 1:25, we are not just focusing on the academic aspect of each child but are also actively involved in shaping the personality eventually; may it be providing national and international platforms, or offering extra training or conducting additional workshops, we are going to leave no stone unturned when it comes to bringing world-class education to your child.

Our educators are not just well trained and experienced but are also handpicked with utmost care and diligence, and why should it not be, we are after all imparting them with the responsibility of building the next generation of world citizens.

At The down town school, least be assured, we are developing and encouraging your child to rationalise, to evaluate and to infer and interpret. Armed with excellent resource, scientific research and perfect blend of co-curricular and extracurricular activities, we are working on 6 major areas like logic, emotion, caution, optimism, creativity, and control to build a wholesome personality of your child.

With the constant support and guidance of our board of trustees, the sheer enthusiasm of the staff and the appreciation and applause of the parent community we at The down town school are on our way to success.

School is a building which has 4 walls with tomorrow inside - Lon Watters; And when it comes to The down town school, a very bright tomorrow inside. So, come, visit us and be a part of this journey of converting young minds into responsible, balanced and successful world citizens.

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A day boarding school

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The down town school,
Hatisila, Chandrapur Road, Khankar, Opposite: Saraighat Press
Guwahati, Kamrup Metro. Assam.

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