Message form Trustee ||The down town school, Guwahati

Message from Trustee

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Prof. Bandana Dutta

Prof. Bandana Dutta
Trustee Member

The down town school, Guwahati

Dear Parents,

I delightfully welcome you in to the DTS family.

We provide a distinctive educational environment that enables young persons to grow not only in intellectual capacities, but also in other dimensions of their being. We believe in a joyful experiential learning system wherein; each child is encouraged to participate wholeheartedly! We encourage children to grab every opportunity that comes their way which would not only help in their holistic growth but also strengthen their belief in teamwork, which is important in this fast-paced world.

We believe in empowering our children in such a manner that they act as representatives of a meaningful and value-based society! Our pedagogy which is holistic and comprehensive complements this. We have a team of fabulous dedicated faculty members whose boundless energy and intense commitment keep the ethos of our school shining brightly. We maintain an inclusive environment which acknowledges and respects children from diverse family and cultural backgrounds. We aim to offer a safe, happy place where everyone is known and valued, and where differing needs are attended and taken care of.

Our comprehensive development programs provide students with an international learning experience, while preserving our core Indian values.

Prof. Bandana Dutta, Trustee 

down town school, Guwahati

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A day boarding school

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